
SALMON VNA & Hospice Measures Up

Posted by SALMON Health on October 28, 2016
Fazzi Associates Top 25 award

SALMON VNA & Hospice has been named a national best practice agency by Fazzi Associates, with its “Top 25” award for 2016. The award goes to the top 25% of home health organizations demonstrating superior performance in one of the most important ways these programs are judged: overall patient satisfaction.

How is the information gathered?

  • The U.S. government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require all home health agencies to randomly survey their patients with a standardized form called the Home Health Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems. This questionnaire, used nationwide since 2010, measures the perceptions of the individuals receiving skilled home care on topics including communication about care, pain, prescription medication use, the care they receive from staff members of the agency, staying informed regarding schedules and more.

Who provides the surveys and compiles the results?

  • To ensure an unbiased view, agencies must use outside organizations to survey patients and tally the results. SALMON VNA & Hospice contracted with Fazzi Associates, one of the oldest, largest and most highly respected organizations of its kind dedicated to home care and hospice.

Based on Fazzi’s measurement for 2015, SALMON’s results in the categories of both “Overall Satisfaction” and the “Likelihood of Recommending” placed us in the top 25% of those surveyed.

“Achieving this award for the second year in a row confirms what we strive for: our patients receive the finest care from our highly skilled, devoted staff serving them in their homes,” says SALMON VNA & Hospice Executive Director Mark Surprenant. “The icing on the cake? Our patients put their confidence in print.”

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