Glossary of Terms

Acute Illness
An ailment or disease arising suddenly, of short duration, which may subside with medical intervention
Adaptive Equipment
Devices that aid people with activities of daily living such as walking, bathing, eating, grooming and toileting
Adult Day Health
A day program of socialization and/or medical care located in the community, including door-to-door transportation, designed for adults living at home
Alzheimer’s Care (see also Memory Care)
Physical, environmental, emotional and social support through the progressive stages of Alzheimer’s disease and similar forms of dementia
Assisted Living
Residences offering meals, housekeeping, recreation and more for individuals needing limited assistance less than that provided at skilled nursing centers
Assistive Mobility Assessments
Evaluations measuring a person’s balance, ease of mobility, risk of falls and need for assistive devices
A branch of science studying hearing, balance and related disorders
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Portable, electronic devices detecting life-threatening, abnormal heart rhythms, capable of restoring normal rhythm and designed for easy use by most individuals
Clinical Services
Medical treatment and health services administered by qualified professionals
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
A person trained and certified by state regulation to help patients or clients with their healthcare needs under the supervision of a licensed nurse
Cognitive Enhancement
Improvement in a person’s mental function, including attention, concentration, recognition and memory
Cognitive Loss
Difficulty with new learning, speed of information processing, memory and language common later in life, unlike rapid deterioration from dementia, stroke or brain injury
Companion Apartments
An option that allows two individuals the opportunity to share an apartment for financial benefit and additional companionship
Complex Medical
Patients with complicated or multiple medical conditions requiring a highly specialized approach to care and treatment
Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)
A community providing levels of support from independent living through assisted living and skilled nursing for adults 55+ and their partners to access senior care if and when needed
Continuum of Care
An integrated system that guides a person over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels of care, provided according to their individual needs
Services that help individuals acquire, maintain or improve their skills and functioning for daily living; especially important for memory care
Hospice Care
Compassionate, respectful, end-of-life care giving physical, psychological and emotional comfort to terminally ill patients and support to their families; provided in any and all community and residential settings
Independent Living
Communities of private apartment homes and/or cottages designed for active, retirement-age adults with convenient on-site services, amenities and social opportunities available and chosen as desired
Interdisciplinary Team
A group of healthcare professionals from different specialties working in coordination with each other toward a common goal for the patient
Intergenerational Programs
Programs organized to bring older adults and young children together for their mutual enjoyment and benefit through both spontaneous and planned activities
Level IV Rest Home
Residential facilities for the elderly licensed and regulated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health providing 24-hours-a-day supervision, personal care assistance, medication administration and basic nursing services beyond the scope of assisted living
A person who helps organizations or groups to work together and provide information to each other
Long-Term Care
A variety of services, typically needed by older adults, to meet the medical and non-medical needs of people with chronic disease or disability who cannot care for themselves over an extended period
Memory Care (see also Alzheimer’s Care)
Services provided to patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia incorporating social, environmental and health care considerations and accommodations
Nursing Care
A wide variety of patient health services provided by licensed professionals, including following orders designated by physicians
Occupational Therapy
Specific exercises and strategies to recover the daily living and working skills of people with physical injuries or conditions or to help older adults adapt to changes in their physical and mental abilities
Palliative Care
A specialized medical approach relieving the pain, symptoms and stress for individuals suffering through a serious or chronic disease, regardless of diagnosis, to improve their quality of life; typically, a crucial component of hospice care
Personal Care Assistants (PCAs)
Specially trained staff assisting those who are sick, injured, mentally or physically disabled, elderly or fragile with daily activities, housework, errands, transportation, meals, medication reminders and companionship
Physical Therapy
Health care from licensed professionals to restore or improve a person’s impairment and disability and promote their mobility, ability to perform various functions and movement in general
Post-Acute Care
Rehabilitation services following a stay in an acute care hospital
Time period immediately after surgery has been performed
Priority Deposit
A 100% refundable amount paid toward a future Refundable Entrance Deposit, which also includes other benefits
In health care, a person or organization that helps identify, prevent or treat illness or disabilities
Activities focusing on the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of resident life resulting in their enjoyment, amusement or pleasure
Refundable Entrance Deposit (R.E.D.)
The one-time fee due upon move in, which typically remains at least 90% refundable to the resident (or their estate) after they move out
Registered Nurse (RN)
A professional who has graduated from a recognized nursing program and passed a national licensing examination, providing health services and specific care ordered by physicians
A branch of medicine aiming to restore or enhance physical abilities through treatment and exercise to improve the quality of life for people with impairments or disabilities of their muscles and bones
Residency Agreement
The legal contract between individual residents and the management of SALMON Health and Retirement locations governing cost, rights, responsibilities, services, termination options and other matters
Respite Stay
A few days to a few weeks for people to “try out” assisted living or skilled nursing centers or to receive services when their caregivers must be away
Retirement Community
A housing-with-amenities situation designed for older adults who are generally able to care for themselves, with access typically limited by age to those 55+ or older
Right of Occupancy
An arrangement allowing access and physical possession of real property without legal right or title, which is more permanent than renting and requires less responsibility than owning the dwelling
Evaluations to determine a person’s level of physical and mental health
Self-Administered Medication Management (S.A.M.M.)
A system in Massachusetts assisted living residences where the role of staff members in residents’ medication usage is limited to verbal reminders, verifying drug name and dosage, watching residents take drugs and documenting the residents’ actions
Senior Living
Residences designed for older adults based on their health status, such as independent living, assisted living, rest home and skilled nursing centers
Sensory Programs
Activity stimulating the hearing, vision, sense of smell, sense of taste and sense of touch of people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia to connect them with others and their environment
Short-Term Rehabilitation
Therapy, nursing and other supportive care for individuals following surgery, illness or accident, lasting from a few days to several weeks
Skilled Nursing
Round-the-clock, long-term, custodial care with assistance for personal hygiene, medications, mobility, incontinence and more, most often for older adults in need of services beyond those of assisted living
Speech Language Therapy
Diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of communication and swallowing disorders, including memory issues, attention problems and more, in addition to speech difficulties, provided by professionals
Studio Apartment
A living arrangement with kitchen, living room and bedroom areas all being part of one, large room
An interdisciplinary, highly skilled care level that addresses a patient’s complex medical condition after, or in place of, hospitalization
Support Groups
Sessions held in a setting of acceptance and confidentiality for sharing information, ideas, concerns and personal feelings about situations or problems all the people present have in common
Tapestry Memory Care Program
SALMON’s multi-faceted approach to accommodate the unique and changing needs of people with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, in both residential settings and day programs
Therapeutic Recreation
Enjoyable activities for patients and clients offering physical and/or mental rehabilitation and beneficial stimulation
VNA and Hospice
SALMON’s visiting nurse, physical, occupational and speech-language therapy services and more, as well as end-of-life care, for clients living in private homes in the community and in retirement communities, assisted living and skilled nursing centers