
SALMON Health and Retirement Director of Clinical Services Comments on Importance of Nurse Retention

Posted by SALMON Health on September 7, 2023

Nicole Croteau Quoted in Skilled Nursing News Article

Nursing retention is becoming increasingly important as turnover has become more devastating in recent years. Experienced nurses have taken on more responsibilities in the post-Covid era, often doing basic tasks and direct care rather practicing “theoretical” care (utilizing expertise towards diagnosis).

Nicole Croteau, Director of Clinical Services, illustrates the challenges nurses in skilled nursing facilities face:

“You’re left with a myriad of patients…you have five over here that might have dementia, you have three over there who have behavioral health issues and maybe have substance abuse problems. It’s very difficult for a nurse to be able to do well.”

It is difficult to find nursing home clinicians who are able to manage clinical complexity while also maintaining a focus on quality of life. Nurses are required to expand their responsibilities and take on a more flexible role in their facility. 

Read more about clinician challenges in skilled nursing facilities in Skilled Nursing News.

SALMON Health and Retirement