
CEO Matt Salmon Comments on New Long Term Care Facilities Bill

Posted by SALMON Health on November 30, 2023

Chief Executive Officer Matt Salmon Featured on Spectrum News 1 Worcester

SALMON Health and Retirement’s Chief Executive Officer, Matt Salmon, was recently interviewed by Spectrum News 1 Worcester to comment on the long-term care bill passed unanimously by the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

The new bill focuses on guidelines to protect the most vulnerable in long-term care facilities and provides incentives to help boost the dwindling workforce in the industry. Focusing on the gaps exposed during the coronavirus pandemic, the bill implements statewide rules with cash penalties for violations.

Matt Salmon is quoted as saying:

“The COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020 exposed some real challenges as a result of the underfunding in the long-term care sector. And I think this bill, and our state Legislature, are doing a great job of trying to address the challenges that were exposed. And that’s not just the ownership and the workforce—it’s the chronic underfunding.”

Read the full article and watch the broadcast on the Spectrum News 1 website.

SALMON Health and Retirement