Community maintains 5-star status
Beaumont Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center at Northbridge achieved renewal of its 5-star CMS rating following a recent in-depth review of the community.
Beaumont representatives received word this week the center would maintain its 5-star status, evaluated annually through Department of Public Health (DPH) surveys and other materials submitted to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, (CMS) a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
“This rating is truly an honor and an accurate depiction of our staff’s daily efforts, commitment, attention to detail and overall level of professionalism,” said Robin High, executive director of Beaumont at Northbridge. “It is an honor to be one of the few 5-star rated communities in the state and the only one in the Blackstone Valley.”
The 5-star score follows two years in a row of deficiency-free surveys, given by the state Department of Public Health (DPH) after its annual visit and evaluation.
When rating locations, CMS takes into account these DPH surveys in addition to information about staff and 11 different physical and clinical quality measures determining the level of care provided to residents.
“This rating is a culmination of hundreds of individual efforts to provide the best possible quality of life to our residents,” said High. “Our staff members are a truly impressive group of people who care about those living at our Northridge campus.”