SALMON Health and Retirement’s VNA and Hospice branch hosted a multi-purpose barbeque September 16th for staff members.
In 70-degree weather outside SALMON’s Milford office, the atmosphere was pleasant. Staff members, in appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), were talking and laughing, excited to be able to reconnect with colleagues while keeping socially distant.
In addition to the individually packaged burgers, hotdogs, chips and chance to win a prize-filled basket, the event was serious: staff also had the chance to get their 2020 flu vaccine from RN Celeste Kopech, pick up additional PPE from their managers, and be COVID-tested at a separate drive-through.

“The benefits are two-fold,” says Ann Labonte, RN at SALMON’s VNA & Hospice and infection control nurse. “We get to show our appreciation to our dedicated staff members, while continuing to keep our clients and the greater community safe.”
Proper PPE, flu vaccinations, and consistent baseline testing for COVID ensure SALMON staff members continue to be safe to care for their clients who live at home. (And it’s nice to offer a Rice Krispies Treat™ to team members in the process!)
“This was a really safe way to accomplish everything we wanted to do,” continues Labonte. “We get to celebrate our staff members in a safe outdoor environment, while providing the necessary clinical aspects of our job as well. It’s a fun way to implement everything we believe in at SALMON: appreciation, safety, health, and concern for others.”
Since 1952, SALMON Health and Retirement has been serving Central Massachusetts. SALMON’s Beaumont at Worcester community became the nation’s first COVID-19 recovery center for seniors. To learn more about SALMON’s continuum of care with services on multiple campuses and the way in which the organization is fighting COVID-19 head-on, visit or contact us here.